The Welcome Table Collaborative is a network of committed bridge-builders devoted to creating welcoming, equitable and prosperous communities. It is the result of over twenty-five years of deep community engagement in some of the most divided and racially haunted places in the country. Our work is steeped in the best historical scholarship as well as the latest advancements in psychology and neuroscience.
We offer an innovative and effective community building program called The Welcome Table™. It isn't “training" or lectures. Rather, we understand that trusting relationships are the wellspring of democracy and are earned in processes that take time, commitment, and moral courage. We believe and have experienced such intentionally is the only way to secure positive change.
We invite you to take a journey, as an individual and as a member of an intentional community, to understand your own socialization process. We accompany and guide you on this journey, understanding that all you need to create the world you'd like for your children is already inside you.
In disarming, psychologically safe circles, you are able to unshackle your gifts from cultural programming that says we should be separate. Our process supports you in identifying, cultivating, and sharing your own strengths and gifts. As we all share our gifts, a new world emerges. Justice, after all, is the liberation of gifts.
Website: https://www.welcometablecollaborative.org/